Quality certification is the first commitment that IsoCindu has made to its customers. We work exclusively with selected suppliers, able to guarantee the quality of the materials in compliance with international standards.

Certified quality

Isopan companies are certified under ISO 9001, processes applied in IsoCindu, using the technical equality of products, guaranteeing the requested standards according to the reference market.

IsoCindu panels, thanks to their particular characteristics, contribute to the fire protection of buildings, hindering the spread of fire and limiting its propagation (passive protection).

IsoCindu is FM Approvals certified.

FM Approvals is an international leader in the field of independent testing and certification services. They ensure that fire prevention products and services (intended for use in commercial and industrial facilities) meet the requirements of the highest standards for quality, technical integrity and performance. How do they achieve this? By using a worldwide approval process, backed by scientific testing and research with more than a century of experience.

FM Approvals approves products and services, paying special attention to the following points:
Objective testing of loss prevention products and services and approval of those products and services that meet strict loss prevention standards.
Encouraging the development and use of FM-approved products and services, which helps to advance and improve loss prevention practices.


ICC-ES is a not-for-profit company that performs technical evaluations of construction products, components, methods and materials, using a strict code compliance standard. Their evaluation reports are useful to regulatory agencies as evidence that products meet code requirements and justify regulatory approval.
Isocindu, by having ICC-ES evaluation reports, has greater assurance and value in its products, as they have been recognized as compliant with the ICC code. ICC-ES evaluation reports are public and available on the web, and can be found by consulting the report number on its website.


An EPD® is a certified environmental product declaration, which provides environmental data on the life cycle of products in accordance with the international standard ISO 14025. Isocindu EPD certificates compile the results of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analyses of a wide range of Isocindu panels.





IsoCindu is a member of the Metal Construction Association for the United States of America.


  • Casella Vuota: Prodotto non producibile
  • Senza certificato
  • Producibile certificato
  • Certificato per estensione
  • Performance rilasciabile con Nota Tecnica
Fire reaction
Fire reaction
fire reaction - description
Classification Isolation Category Product Thickness 30 35 40 50 60 70 72 80 92 100 102 120 122 140 150 170 180 200 240
A2 s1 d0 Mineral Wool Fire reaction Isofire Roof
A2 s1 d0 Mineral Wool Fire reaction Isofire Roof Fono
B s1 d0 Mineral Wool Fire reaction Isodeck PVSteel MW
B s1 d0* Foam Fire reaction Isocop
B s1 d0* Foam Fire reaction Isotego
B s1 d0* Foam Fire reaction Isotap
B s1 d0* Foam Fire reaction Isodeck PVSteel PU
B s2 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isocop
B s2 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isotego
B s2 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isodeck PVSteel PU
B s2 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isodomus Classic
B s2 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isocop Multifunzione
B s2 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isotap
B s2 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isovela
B s3 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isocop
B s3 d1 Foam Fire reaction Isocop
C s3 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isocop
C s3 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isotego
C s3 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isotap
C s3 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isodeck PVSteel PU
C s3 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isodomus Classic
C s3 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isocop Multifunzione
A2 s1 d0 Mineral Wool Fire reaction Isofire Wall
A2 s1 d0 Mineral Wool Fire reaction Isofire Wall Fono
A2 s1 d0 Mineral Wool Fire reaction Isofire Wall Pliss
A2 s1 d0 Mineral Wool Fire reaction Isoparete Fire Pliss
A2 s1 d0 Mineral Wool Fire reaction Isoparete Fire Box
B s1 d0* Foam Fire reaction Isofrigo
B s1 d0* Foam Fire reaction Isofrozen
B s1 d0* Foam Fire reaction Isobox
B s1 d0* Foam Fire reaction Isobox Plisse
B s1 d0* Foam Fire reaction Isopiano
B s1 d0* Foam Fire reaction Isorighe
B s1 d0* Foam Fire reaction Isoparete Plus 2
B s1 d0* Foam Fire reaction Isoparete Pliss
B s1 d0* Foam Fire reaction Isoparete Box
B s1 d0* Foam Fire reaction Isoparete Piano
B s1 d0* Foam Fire reaction Isoparete Evo
B s1 d0* Foam Fire reaction Isoclass
B s2 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isobox
B s2 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isobox Plisse
B s2 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isopiano
B s2 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isorighe
B s2 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isoparete Pliss
B s2 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isoparete Box
B s2 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isoparete Piano
B s2 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isoparete Evo
B s2 d0 Foam Fire reaction Isoparete Plus 2