whistelblowing isocindu eng

Analysis and management of complaints

We have adopted a complaint management system that will allow us to manage any complaint, even anonymous, received at Isocindu.

We guarantee the confidential or anonymous reception, analysis and processing of complaints submitted by any person, interested parties, people of Isocindu, including all those, both natural and legal persons, who work to achieve the objectives of Isocindu, each in the scope of their roles and responsibilities and other third parties. These are complaints related to behaviors made by Isocindu people that violate the Code of Ethics, laws, regulations, provisions issued by the Authorities, internal regulations, and in any case, behaviors capable of causing harm, even if only in image terms to Isocindu.

The maximum confidentiality is guaranteed in relation to the subjects and facts reported, as well as the anonymity of the complainants, so that whoever makes the complaint is not subject to adverse action or retaliation of any kind.

Reports of irregularities can be sent through the corresponding form.

This communication channel, through the use of computerized means, is considered preferable and adequate to guarantee confidentiality in relation to the identity of the complainant.

Please use this form if you want to report

Conduct in violation of:

Code of Ethics

Laws, regulations, provisions issued by the authorities, internal regulations, and in any case, behaviors capable of causing harm or harm, even if only in terms of image to Isocindu.


Complaints are managed in a way that guarantees and respects the maximum confidentiality in relation to the subjects and facts reported and the anonymity of the identifying data of the complainant. Specifically, the use of the form on this page to send complaints guarantees the confidentiality of the complainant's identity, even through the use of computer means.

Isocindu may contact the complainant if the complainant himself allows it, in order to obtain clarifications and/or more details about the facts denounced.

Note that, alternatively, it is also possible to make a complaint through the following communication channels:

Email: whistleblowing@isocindu.mx

Mailing address: Ethics Committee c / o Isocindu S.A. de C.V., Av. Libre Comercio 137 III, Puerto Interior, Santa Fe de la Purísima, 36275, Silao (GTO)

Before continuing, the complainant is recommended to read the detailed regulation, a copy of which is attached below:

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