Contribution of the Insulating Panel to the Refrigeration Sector.

At the very beginning of the implementation and adaptation of cold rooms in the food industry, there were limited options of materials for their manufacture, the refrigeration chambers were made of materials such as wood, concrete, ceramic, cork, and these did not allow to maximize the profitability of the facilities. Now these facilities have been optimized, new technologies in systems and materials are still part of the new refrigeration technology.


It is commonly thought that a refrigeration chamber or warehouse depends on the efficiency of the external wall, but also on other factors that contribute to avoid the formation of thermal bridges. For this reason, when it is necessary to intervene to insulate a building or an area, it is important to pay attention not only to the walls, but also to all the structural elements that we will mention below.


Technological advances in insulation panel systems have provided protection against vapor and moisture, limiting heat loss. There are specific insulating panels for the construction of cold rooms, such as the Isoparete frigo, a type of insulating panel with a double self-supporting metal coating in polyurethane foam and high thermal insulation performance, as well as suitable for both wall and ceiling installation, or the Super Isobox panel, with a useful width of 1150 mm.


Another important technological innovation brought by IsoCindu panels is that they adapt to the needs and characteristics of each cold room, thanks to the availability of numerous thicknesses, including 8", available to combine with different types of metal supports and coatings.


The most important requirements to ensure thermal insulation in cold rooms are offered, first of all, by the choice of an appropriate panel thickness, but following this factor, there is also the type of panel gasket. IsoCindu has a gasket system that is able to provide adequate resistance to the passage of air and steam, working in parallel to limit thermal bridges, limit heat loss by improving the tightness of the cover, causing the correct functioning of the refrigeration system.


The properties of the steel that covers the core of the panels are characterized by its elasticity, hardness, flexibility and resistance, satisfying the needs of the food industry, guaranteeing durability and safety. The pre-painted steel passes the most severe tests for the release of paint components and ensures excellent performance in case of occasional contact with food.


As for the cold room floor, Isocindu proposes the implementation of Isoblack panels, whose polyurethane core can guarantee the continuity of thermal insulation inside the cold room, avoiding thermal bridges.


The cold sector also requires combining the insulating properties of the materials with a good reaction and resistance to fire. IsoCindu panels for the cold sector with PIR insulating core can maintain flame and hot gas tightness and maintain thermal insulation.

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